New Year’s Resolution: Prepare my landscape and garden for a successful spring… Who’s with us? ????
We are entering into the coldest month of the year so let us help your prepare you landscape and garden look its best in spring. Take a look at some of our tips to help your landscape and garden get through this blistery month. Feel free give us a call with any questions or service requests we can help you with through the winter.
- Sharpening the blades on your lawn mower will cut the grass cleanly and evenly, preventing a dull looking lawn. Getting this done in the winter allows you a little bit more time in spring for more important things, like shopping for your new plants at Breezy Hill Nursery?.
- Leaving dirt on your tools can lead to soil-bourne diseases and eventually rust your tools. Now is the perfect time to clean your tools. For tools like pruners or loppers, disassemble them first to optimize cleaning every nook and cranny. Scrub the stubborn dirt areas with a wire brush and scrub rust spots with steel wool or sandpaper. Sharpen and lubricate all your tools with a light machine oil or synthetic oil.
- Make sure your plant supports and winter protection are still in place around your plants.
- Make sure your plant supports and winter protection are still in place around your plants.
- Dormant pruning is not only healthier for the plants it saves you time in spring. Prune dormant ornamentals, shrubs and trees through the winter season.
- Ice and snow can bend and break your shrubs. As snow is falling, brush it off the plants before it freezes. Once it is frozen, trying to remove it will do more damage than leaving it alone. ❄ ❄ ❄
- Plan for your spring and summer lawn care now. Will you do the fertilizing or pest control yourself? Or will you contract all or part of it? We can help you with both options! Visit our Landscape Maintenance web page to see how we can help or give us a call for some advice.
- Did you know you CAN apply fertilizers on trees in the winter? Fertilizing around the base of the tree where the drip line is will make nutrients available to the tree once the roots break dormancy and begin to grow.
- Start planning your herb and vegetable garden. Review what worked well, what you did or didn’t use last year and what new plants you want to try this year.
- Winter is a good time to prune large, established trees. Without leaves the structure is easy to see.
- Now is the time to think about your dream landscape plan. Start thinking of your budget, colors you want, what bloom times are important to you, height & spread restrictions of plants, light availability, hardscape ideas you have always dreamed about, irrigation needs and landscape lighting. If you are a DIY person, stop in the garden center for pointers and pick up a plant catalog to get you started. If you want us to create a wonderful plan for you, give us a call to meet with one of our designers. Now is the perfect time to get a head start on your spring planning.
- If you are yearning for some color or greenery, consider introducing indoor plants. Being cooped up indoors for so long can really start leaving you tired and a bit sad so adding some plant life into your home with help remind you of spring and that it’s on its way. ?+?=?
- If you want to work with one of our designers, winter is the perfect time. Let our experienced team assist you with your landscape design and create a custom look for your home and landscape.
Call Breezy Hill Nursery at 262-537-2111.
- If you want to work with one of our designers, winter is the perfect time. Let our experienced team assist you with your landscape design and create a custom look for your home and landscape.

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