Do you want a beautiful spring garden display of color and fragrance? We have a great selection of spring bulbs in stock.
1. Where do you want your bulbs to grow? They like a sunny area with well-drained soil.
2. Timing is very important. Spring flowering hardy bulbs are planted in the fall. Tulips, Irises, Daffodils, Hyacinths, Crocuses.
3. Tender Bulbs such as Gladiolus, Dahlias, Caladiums, and Elephant Ears are planted in the Spring. Most tender bulbs should be dug after the foliage dries up or after the first frost. Clean off dirt and leave for a few 1-3 days to cure. Label carefully, you might not remember come Spring the color or type of bulb you have stored all winter. Store in a ventilated container between 2-3″ layers of peat moss, sand, vermiculite, sawdust, wood shavings. Make sure they are not touching or they could rot. Store in a cool dry place such as a basement.
Pic courtesy of Burpee
4. You can scatter your bulbs or plan a formal garden. Layout your bulbs and space them out where you want them. Tulips have three different flowing times. Early, Mid, and late-season blooming. Mix them throughout your garden to get spring color throughout the season.
5. Dig the holes and check the instructions on your packaging. Most tulips are planted between 3-6 inches deep.
6. Bulbs are placed with the top point upward and the flatter section is the bottom.
7. It is helpful if you spray our bulbs with deer repellent. This will deter animals from eating your bulbs.
8. After planting, mulch the area well. This helps protect the bulbs from extreme temps during winter.
9. Now it's time to enjoy your gorgeous spring bulb garden.
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NOTE: Any of our sales associates here at Breezy Hill Nursery would be happy to answer your questions about planting and caring for your tree. Call us at (262) 537-2111.
Do you have Gardening questions? Please call or stop by our garden center.
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