The term ornamental grass is used to describe many different types of plants including true grasses, sedges, rushes, and hardy bamboos. Grasses come in many different heights, colors, and textures, as well as having different water and sun requirements. Grasses are typically considered to be very low maintenance once established.
Grasses have many benefits. They create sound and movement in your garden, as well as add vertical interest. Grasses make wonderful winter interest and are typically considered to be a 3 season plant of interest.
Grasses can be used as groundcovers, as specimens, in masses, as erosion control, and for screening. Our Garden Center stocks many different kinds.
There are two different types of ornamental grasses. There is the cool season and warm season, and this describes the time of the season that they flower and produce seed heads. Cool season grasses will produce seed heads around June, and warm season grasses will produce seed heads in August or later.
Common Name | Latin Name | Height | Width | Habit | Hardy To Zone-Season | Water Requirements | Light | Plant Characteristics |
Golden Variegated Ogon or Golden Sweet Flag | Acorus gramineus | 6-14" | 12" | compact, upright | 5- cool | normal to wet soils | full sun to part shade | Yellow and green striped fragrant foliage. Can also be used in water gardens in standing water up to 3". Do not allow this plant to dry out. Can have winter hardiness problems in zone 5. Does not have a showy seed head. |
Big Bluestem | Andropogon gerardii | 3-6' | 2-3' | erect, spreading | 4- warm | low to medium- Drought resistant | full sun to partial sun | Can be an aggressive grower. It will take on a mounding pattern. Blue green foliage with seed heads that are often called turkey feet. Blooms in late summer/early fall. Good for prairie restoration. |
Kael Foerster Feather Reed Grass | Calamagrostis x acutifolia 'Karl Foerster' | 2-3' | 2' | clump forming, arching | 4- cool | medium to moist- tolerates heavy soils | full sun to partial shade | The green grass tends to be arching while the 6' tall red to brown seed head is held erect above the grass. Fast growth habit. The seed head turns tan in fall. |
Overdam Feather Reed Grass | Calamagrostis x acutifolia 'Overdam' | 18-24" | 2' | clump forming, arching | 4- cool | medium to moist- tolerates heavy soils | full sun to partial shade | Green with white margined foliage. The reddish brown seed heads are held erect above the grass and can reach to 5' in height. Fast growth habit. The seed heads turn gold in fall |
Korean Feather Reed Grass | Calmagrostis brachytricha | 2' | 2-3' | clump forming, upright | 4- warm | needs adequate moisture | full sun to shade | Green leaves with airy pink blooms that stand around 3-4 feet tall. They turn tan later in fall. It has very showy blooms that are less stiff then other calmagrostis. |
Blue Sedge | Carex glauca | 6-12" | 12" | clump forming, arching | 5- cool | needs adequate moisture | partial sun | Semi-evergreen silvery blue foliage with non-showy brown seed heads. Slow spreading |
Ice Dance Sedge Grass | Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' | 6-12" | 1-3' | clump forming, spreading | 5- cool | needs adequate moisture | partial shade | The leaves have a lovely white outer edge to them which compliment morst other plants nicely. It also brightens the darkness of a partly shaded area. Semi-evergreen. Remove tattered leaves in spring. No other care is really needed. |
Oehme Palm Sedge | Carex muskingumensis 'Oehme' | 1-3' | 1-2' | clump forming, upright | 4- cool | medium to high | partial to full shade | Likes a wet root system. Has a green palm-like foliage that turns yellow in fall color. Can be a good substitute for dwarf bamboo. Non-showy seed heads |
Golden Sedge | Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' | 1' | 1-2' | clump forming, spreading | 5- cool | medium to high | partial to full shade | Likes moist conditions. The variegated foliage is creamy yellow with dark green boarders. The colors shows best in shade. Deer resistant. Non-showy seed heads. |
Penn Sedge | Carex pennsylvanica | 10" | 1' | clump forming, spreading | 3- cool | medium to high-but likes well drained soil | partial to full shade | Green folaige with non-showy brown seed heads. Works well in naturalized wooded areas as well as rain gardens. |
Northern Sea Oats Grass | Chasmathium latifolium 'Northern' | 2-3' | 2-3' | clump forming, arching | 5- warm | very adaptable | sun to shade | Bright green bamboo-like foliage that turns bronze in fall. Attractive drooping oat-like seeds heads. It is a self-sowing grass, so deadhead if you do not want volunteers. |
Northern Lights Tufted Hair Grass | Deschampsia caespitosa 'Northern Lights' | 12" | 12" | clump forming | 4- cool | needs regular watering | Full sun to partial sun | Green and cream variegated foliage that has some rosy color in spring and fall. Tan pendulous seed heads. Deer resistant with a moderate growth habit and it likes to have a wet habitat. |
Tufted Hair Grass | Deschampsia caespitosa vivipara | 3' | 2-3' | clump forming | 4- cool | needs regular watering | full sun | Shiny green narrow foliage. It has silvery tan pendulous seed heads. Moderate growth, deer resistant, and semi-evergreen |
Elijah Blue Fescue | Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' | 8-12" | 8-12" | dense mound, upright | 4- warm | medium to dry | full sun | Silver blue foliage, deer resistant, tolerates dry soil once established. Nice tan seed heads are held above the grass. |
Fubuki Japanese Forest Grass | Hakonechloa macra 'Briform' | 12" | 12-18" | cascading low mound | 4- warm | medium to moist | partial to full shade | Lovely cascading bright white/ yellow and green foliage turns pink in fall. Slow growing. It does not have a showy seed head. |
Blue Oat Grass | Helictotrichon sempervirens | 2-3' | 2-3' | clump forming | 4- warm | medium to dry | full sun | Silver blue foliage, brown plumes that are held over the grass in summer. Moderate growth habit and deer resistant. |
Sapphire Grass | Helictotrichon sempervirens 'Sapphire' | 2-3' | 2' | clump forming | 4- warm | medium- needs regular water | full sun | Lovely silver blue foliage with airy tan seed heads. It has improved rust resistance. |
Red Baron Japanese Blood Grass | Imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron' | 1-2' | 1-1.5' | clump forming, upright | 5- warm | moist- but needs well drained soils | full sun to partial shade | Green leaves with red tips. The red becomes more intense as the season goes on. Slow growing, but will eventually mass together. Seldom flowers. |
Cockscrew Rush | Juncus effusus f. spiralis | 1.5' | 1.5' | clump forming, upright | 4- cool | moist to standing water | full sun | Fun corkscrew curled leaves makes this plant one of a kind. Can be used as a water plant. It can grow in water up to 4" deep. It does not have showy seed heads. |
Blue Lyme Grass | Leymus arenarius 'Blue Lyme' | 3-4' | 3' | clump forming, spreading | 4-cool | dry to moist | full sun to partial shade | Steel blue foliage with a tan seed head. Mostly has an upright form that is slightly arching. Can be aggressive and spreading. Tends to spread less in dry conditions. |
Purple Flame Maiden Grass | Miscanthus sinensis 'Purpurascens' | 3-4' | 3' | clump forming, upright | 4-warm | average, but regular | full sun | Green foliage with reddish orange fall color. The blooms emerge late in the season with a purplish hue. The seed heads can stand up to 4-6' tall. Only divide in spring to early summer. This plant needs time to establish its roots before winter |
Autumn Light Maiden Grass | Miscanthus sinensis 'Autumn Lights' | 4-5' | 4' | clump forming | 4- warm | average, but regular | full sun | Dark green foliage with yellow and purple tinges in fall. Has small coppery-red seed heads in fall. |
Gold Bar Maiden Grass | Miscanthus sinensis 'Gold Bar' | 4-5' | 3-4' | clump forming, upright | 4- warm | average, but regular | full sun | Green foliage with horizontal yellow bars. It has a very striking appearance and works well as a mass or accent. Slower grower that will take several years to reach 4-5'. It has a bronzy burgundy seed head color. |
Maiden Grass | Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus' | 6-8' | 3-5' | clump forming, vase shaped | 4- warm | average, but regular | full sun | Green foliage with bronze autumn color, narrow leaves & showy fall plumes. Deer resistant with a moderate growth rate. |
Huron Sunrise Maiden Grass | Miscanthus sinensis 'Huron Sunrise' | 4-5' | 2-3' | clump forming, upright | 4- warm | average, but regular | full sun | Green foliage with a silvery white vertical stripe up the midrib. It is a heavy producer of burgundy seed heads later in the season. |
Morning Light Maiden Grass | Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' | 4-5' | 2-3' | clump forming, vase shaped | 4- warm | average, but regular | full sun | White and light green vertically variegated foliage. Showy flower late in the season. |
Nippon Maiden Grass | Miscanthus sinensis 'Nippon' | 4-5' | 3-4' | clump forming, vase shaped | 5- warm | average, but regular | full sun | Dark green foliage with a silver midrib stripe. Dark burgundy seed heads are held above the grass late in the season. |
Rigoletto Maiden Grass | Miscanthus sinensis 'Rigoletto' | 4-5' | 3-4' | clump forming, upright | 5- warm | average, but regular | full sun | Large white stripes along the midrib of the grass blade. Small bronze tassel-like seed heads late in the season. This variety tends to flop less then others. |
Porcupine Grass | Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus' | 8' | 3' | clump forming, upright, narrow | 4- warm | average, but regular | full sun | Green foliage with yellow horizontal bands, deer resistant, red bronze seed heads in late summer |
Common Name | Latin Name | Height | Width | Habit | Hardy To Zone-Season | Water Requirements | Light | Plant Characteristics |
Varigated Japanese Silver Grass | Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus' | 5-9' | 4-5' | upright, arching | 4- warm | average, but regular | full sun | Green foliage with two white stripes on the outer edge. The grass looks mostly white from afar. It has bronzy seed heads late in the season. |
Zebra Grass | Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus' | 5-9' | 5-6' | upright, arching | 5- warm | average, but regular | full sun | Green foliage with yellow horizontal bands. White to pink seed heads late in the season. This plant needs a very long hot growing season to produce flowers. |
Rotstrahlbusch Switch Grass | Panicum virgatum 'Rotstrahlbusch' | 4-5' | 2-3' | clump forming, upright | 4- warm | average and adaptable | full sun | Green grass that turns red through out the season. Really turns a brilliant red in fall. Has pinkish burgundy seed heads late in the season. |
Dallas Blue Switch Grass | Panicum virgatum 'Dallas Blue' | 5-6' | 3-4' | clump forming, upright | 4- warm | average and adaptable | full sun to part sun | Blue green foliage with airy pink seed head in the fall. The seed heads are long and can range up to 22". |
Prairie Sky Switch Grass | Panicum virgatum 'Prairie Sky' | 4-5' | 2-3' | clump forming, upright | 4- warm | average and adaptable | full sun | Upright blue green foliage with a sky blue seed head held above the grass later in the season. This plant is considered fast growing . |
Heavy Metal Blue Switch Grass | Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal' | 3' | 2-3' | clump forming, upright | 4- warm | average and adaptable | full sun to partial sun | Stiff metallic blue foliage, airy pink seed head in mid/late summer, fast growth, golden foliage in fall, birds like seeds in winter |
Northwind Switch Grass | Panicum virgatum 'Northwind' | 7' | 3-4' | clump forming, upright | 5- warm | average and adaptable | full sun | Wide green blue foliage, produces reddish hazy late summer seed heads that turn gold in fall. Good for erosion control, fast growth. |
Shenandoah Red Switch Grass | Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' | 3-6' | 3' | clump forming, upright | 4- warm | average and adaptable | partial to full sun | Green spring foliage with reddish tips, burgundy fall foliage, red-pink plumes in late summer. A grass for all seasons, birds love, and fast growth. |
Hamelyn Compact Fountain Grass | Pennisetum aleopecuroides 'Hamelyn' | 2-3' | 2' | compact growth, arching | 4- warm | average, drought tolerant | full sun to partial sun | Soft low arching grass with white seed heads late in the season. |
Little Bunny Dwarf Fountain Grass | Pennisetum aleopecuroides 'Little Bunny' | 10-12" | 10-12" | compact growth | 5- warm | average, drought tolerant | full sun to partial sun | The most dwarf of all of the fountain grasses. Green leaves with a small buff to white seed head late in the season. Slow growth. |
Red Head Maiden Grass | Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Red Head' | 4-5' | 3-5' | clump forming, arching | 5- warm | average, drought tolerant | full sun to partial sun | Gracefully arching green grass blades with huge pinky red bottelbrush seed heads later in the season. |
Karley Rose Fountain Grass | Pennisetum oriental 'Karley Rose' | 2-3' | 2-3' | compact growth, arching | 5- warm | average, drought tolerant | full sun to partial sun | Arching foliage with pink bottelbrush seed heads later in the season. |
Ribbon Grass | Phalaris arundinacea var. picta | 2-3' | 2-5' | spreading, upright | 4- cool | low to high | partial shade to sun | Varigated green and white bamboo-like grass. It will spread rapidly. Can tolerate a variety of soils and sun conditions. The seed head is not showy. |
Carousel Bluestem | Schizachyrium 'Carousel' | 2-3' | 1.5-2' | compact growth, upright | 4- warm | average, well drained | full sun | Very erect steel blue foliage that turns coppery in the fall. Late in the season silvery white seed heads will emerge above the grass. Stands upright all season, seldom flops over. |
The Blues Bluestem | Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues' | 2' | 2' | clump forming | 3- warm | average, well drained | full sun | Blue green foliage turns orange in fall. In late summer flower spikes become fluffy seed heads that reach 3-5' tall. |
Lucerne Blue Eyed Grass | Sisyrinchium angustifolium | 10-12" | 12" | clump forming | 4- cool | moist, well drained | partial to full sun | The foliage is green in spots that are more shaded, but can be a bluish green in full sun. The blue star-shaped flowers with yellow centers rise slightly above the foliage in May to June. This plant is actually in th iris family, but is called a grass because of its apperance. |
Prairie Dropseed | Sporobolus hetero | 1-2' | 2' | clump forming | 3- warm | average to low | full sun | Slow growing, green foliage in spring changes to yellow/orange in fall. Later in the season a very fine seed head is heald above the arching grass. The seed head has lots of texture and moves in the wind nicely. |

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