If you haven’t been to Breezy Hill Nursery’s Garden Center lately, you’re not going to want to miss it! Plenty of fall home and garden decor, fall events, fall sales and more eagerly await you.
Visit us today, take a walk through and find a beautiful selection of products like these:
Brimming with color
Mums & More:
Mums add just the pop of color you need to brighten your home and container gardens. Plus, ornamental grasses, kale and more.
Icons of the season
Find a variety of sizes, unique shapes, beautiful fall tones and more.
Fall details
Indian Corn, Hay Bales, Cornstalks & Sunflowers:
Find all the little details that make fall feel like, well, fall.
Home & Garden Decor:
Discover beautiful decor for both inside and outside your home that will make a statement.
Plant Now
Now is the time to plant spring flowering bulbs. Available now!
Learn. Grow. Enjoy.
Fall Events & Workshops:
Sign up for one of our workshops like this weekend’s Fall Centerpiece Workshop* happening Saturday at 1pm or any of our other fall events. View our full calendar HERE for more info.
*There’s still time to sign up for this weekend’s workshop, just give our Garden Center a call at 262-537-2111.
End of Season Deals
Fall Sale:
Find just what you need at an even better price. Checkout our fall sale below and visit our Specials page for even more offers.
Continue with Fall Flavor
Visit our sister company, Hill Country Market:
Located across the parking lot from our Garden Center at our Salem, WI location, Hill Country Market is a deli, market and popular lunch stop. Featuring a great wine and craft beer selection, freshly baked goods, a full coffee bar, gourmet sandwiches and more! Find delicious fall flavors like pumpkin bars, a pumpkin caramel latte, kettle corn and plenty more.
Find them on Facebook Here
See you soon!

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